Whether you own a small business or a large enterprise, a small cafe or a large office, there’s always a possibility of a crime. Businesses like supermarkets, banks, and restaurants are often targeted for theft and vandalism among other illegal activities. If you own one of these businesses then hiring a security guard in Melbourne is a must.

Security guards are personnel that are professionally trained to deter inappropriate or illegal acts in different environments. Hiring a security guard can help you minimise crime in your business premises. But as a business owner how can you determine what’s the right time to hire a security guard? Here are some signs to look for.

You’re Worried About Auto Theft

At times, your company staff might feel vulnerable parking their vehicle in the premises during off-hours, due to carjacking or other forms of assault. They may also feel unsafe leaving their valuables behind in the car. In such scenarios, security guards come in handy.

A security guard looking after the parking lot can increase security measures and add a sense of reassurance to parking safety.

You’re in a Crime-ridden Area

It could be possible that your business premises are close to a rural area or some place with less hustle and bustle. Such areas are subject to break-ins or theft.

When your business is located in a crime-ridden area, allocating security guards makes a lot of sense. Having professional security guards patrol the area during on and off-office hours can save your property from break-ins and vandalism.

You’ve Experienced Shrinkage in Your Retail Store

As per a survey report it was found that shoplifting accounted for $3.37 billion in losses. The chances of shrinkage could increase when you get a lot of foot traffic or when there are no security cameras installed.

However, with a security guard, shrinkage can be drastically reduced. Regular inspection checks of visitors in and out of stores can reduce shoplifting as well as retail theft.

Your Building Safety is at Risk

A data breach raises a lot of concerns at the workplace and general building safety. For businesses that have a heavy influx and outflux of visitors, strong security measures need to be in place to ensure safety of confidential data and the likes.

As a part of their services, security guards in Melbourne can assist with a number of things. From checking in and out visitors and assisting them, to helping employees maintain good conduct, a security guard can promote a safer workplace. As a business owner, this can also position you as someone who cares about the work environment and your people.

You Encounter a Lot of Emergency Situations

As much as security guards are hired to reduce crime, they’re also commonly hired to manage different types of emergencies such as accidents or other medical emergencies.

If your business is one that operates in a high-risk environment (for example, a factory) then having a guard is immensely important. They have a sharp presence of mind and can react quickly to any emergency to prevent injuries at the workplace.

As you can tell, the need for a highly-trained security guard is immense in a number of different industries. Hiring one will not only help you improve your business’s overall safety but also strengthen your reputation as a business.

Need a security guard in Melbourne? We at National Protective Services can help. We have highly-trained security guards as well as other security services for businesses and can greatly elevate your business security. Get in touch with us for a free consultation today.